
Rosa Maria Montereali (ENEA)
BIOTRACK coordinator.
Senior researcher, head of Photonics Micro and Nanostructures Laboratory, FSN-TECFIS-MNF, at ENEA, experimental physicist of condensed matter, specialised in the investigation of the optical properties of defects in insulating materials for R&D of miniaturised photonic devices and novel radiation sensors for imaging and dosimetry, applied to scientific, bio-medical and nuclear fields. She was responsible of European and national projects. Co-author of more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and member of organising and Advisory Committees of prestigious conferences.

Enrico Nichelatti (ENEA)
Senior researcher in the field of condensed-matter physics theory. His competences and experience include: propagation and scattering of electromagnetic waves in inhomogeneous materials; modelling of optical thin films and multilayers; spectrophotometric analysis of thin-film devices in the visible, near IR and UV spectral regions; theory and modelling of optical constants in simple and composite materials; modelling of proton-matter interaction.

Valentina Nigro (ENEA)
Ph.D. in Physics, researcher in condensed-matter physics with experience in the investigation of the dynamics and structure of soft matter through light scattering, neutron and X-rays scattering and spectroscopic techniques, with particular interest in the behaviour of smart polymeric microgels sensitive to temperature, pH and ionic strength. Currently her research activity focuses on the study of the optical and morphological properties of thin films for ionising radiation detectors.

Massimo Piccinini (ENEA)
Researcher in experimental physics of condensed matter, has experience in fluorescence microscopy and optical spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy and imaging in the near, medium and far infrared with conventional sources and synchrotron radiation, Raman spectroscopy and imaging, characterization and dosimetry of ionizing radiation beams and development of optical read-out dosimeters and FNTD based on colour centres in LiF.

Concetta Ronsivalle (ENEA)
Senior researcher, with a theoretical profile in physics, has experience in the research and development of particle accelerators for medical, industrial and Free Electron Laser applications with skills in beam dynamics, modelling and characterization of radiofrequency structures, machine commissioning. She is co-inventor of the TOP-IMPLART Project devoted to the realization of a proton linear accelerator for oncological radiotherapy launched by ENEA in collaboration with ISS (Italian Institute of Health) and IFO-IRE Oncological Hospital in Rome. The Project is funded by Regione Lazio.

Maria Aurora Vincenti (ENEA)
Researcher physicist in the field of condensed matter physics, has experience in radiation protection and in growth by Physical Vapour Deposition of thin films of inorganic, organic and metallic materials, which find applications in photonics, in detection of ionising radiations and dosimetry. She has more than 15 years experience in the spectroscopic characterization of luminescent materials, with particular reference to insulating materials containing radiation-induced point defects.

Evaristo Cisbani (ISS)
PhD in Physics, senior researcher with experience on research and development of innovative instrumentations in public health and in experimental sub-nuclear physics. He coordinated research projects for the development of imaging detectors in nuclear medicine and equipments for nuclear physics experiments. He is currently leading the ISS group within the TOP-IMPLART project for the development of a proton linear accelerator dedicated to cancer radiotherapy. He is also involved in the definition and evaluation of new Artificial Intelligence based approaches for the optimization of the quality of the radiological images. He is co-author of more than 230 scientific publications.

Giuseppe Esposito (ISS)
Biophysics and medical physics researcher with experience in radiobiological research aimed at improving scientific knowledge useful in the fields of radiotherapy and radiation protection, from an experimental and modelling point of view. National coordinator of the RENOIR project, funded by the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), for low dose/dose rate radiobiological studies performed in an underground laboratory at LNGS. Since 2013, he has been part of the ISS group within the TOP-IMPLART project for the development of a linear proton accelerator dedicated to Oncological Therapy.

Elena Buratti (CNR-ISC)
Researcher with an experimental profile in chemistry of macromolecules, focused on the synthesis of polymeric microgels. She has skills both in classical chemical-physical laboratory characterization techniques (FT-IR, UV-Vis, NMR, GC, TGA, DSC and DLS) and in more advanced techniques such as neutron and X-ray scattering. Currently her activity research focuses on the study of the chemical-physical behaviour of thermo- and pH-responsive microgels.
Riccardo Ciciotti
Student of bachelor degree in Materials Science, Physics Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Tutor ENEA: Dr.ssa Valentina Nigro
Esteban Morcos
Student of bachelor degree in Materials Science, Physics Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Tutor ENEA: Dr.ssa Maria Aurora Vincenti